Friday, September 5, 2008


As Colin got his "responsibility" out of the car today, and Owen put his "fuca" on his "responsibility," I realized that we have actually developed our own language as a family. If you would like to understand our talk, here's a short lesson on Goddardeese

responsibility - booster seat for the car
fuca - Colin's word for "accessory"
fings - night time necessities - sippy cup of water and deedee
deedee - a silky "lovey" blanket that each of the kids have
bacon - any kind of meat
bean beans - green beans
nana - banana
french fry park - Carl's Jr that has a play park in it
play day - any day that's not the Sabbath day
Sabbath day - not play day, means we can't watch play day movies or play outside

Double Corner Time

Avery and Cali (Megan's baby)

Look Ma


kallie said...

Love the Pictures. Avery is getting soooo big!

Megan said...

Oh my gosh, Avery is almost standing on her own! She looks so old, where has the time gone? I love the picture of Colin and Owen in the corner. Reminds me of the picture I have of Colin in the corner. I'll find it and send it. Too cute!